An Influencer on TikTok promoting a B2B brand.

5 Top B2B Content Marketing Examples

It’s 2024 and North American businesses are tightening their financial belts. Marketing directors are weary of investing in new B2B content marketing ventures and organizations are cutting their headcounts, budgets, and operating costs due to economic uncertainties. As the winds of the fall season blow closer, many marketing teams predict they’re heading straight into a chilly marketing winter. 

Nevertheless, we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. As a team of content marketing experts ourselves, we’re here to bring you the sticks you can rub together to light the fire for your B2B content marketing strategy in times of duress. Now let us show you phenomenal examples of B2B Content marketing which you can replicate easily and for the cheap. We’ll also explain how the benefits of starting your content marketing journey sooner than later can be beneficial for your SEO rankings as well. 

Now, are you ready to see how it’s done? I’ll take that as a yes! Strap in and we’ll show you prime content marketing examples your team can create while others are cut and run. Let’s take a look.

Example 1: TikTok and Instagram Reels Produced By Your Team

These days, we’re all addicted to our devices and finding someone who’s not is like finding a gold nugget on the sidewalk. 

Ask anyone how many hours they spend on their screen and you’ll likely hear that they spend a lot. If they respond with anything less than the average 6 hours and 35 minutes of online time reported by Meltwater and Keipos than they are likely lying.

Nonetheless, the evidence is clear. Canadians and Americans are chronically online. And, you should take advantage of this to influence their buying decisions. Social Media algorithms have gotten so sophisticated, that your hyper targeted niche content is bound to end up in your target audience’s feeds if it’s captivating and marked with the right textual metadata. 

But, to get it into the algorithm first, one must create it. And that’s where your team comes in. Not only is TikTok and Instagram reel making a great way to promote your B2B brand, but it’s also a great team building exercise for your colleagues. 

It also doesn’t have to be complex. Some of the best B2B content marketing reels are short form video content right down to the point. For example, Monday CRM has many quick tutorials showing tips on how to use their software. Here’s an example which you could replicate with your own twist:


A handy dandy hack to get everyone aligned ✌🏼 #mondayhacks @Baptiste Fernandez

♬ Imagination – Lize Mynhardt
A worker using Monday employee showing people how they can add context to their board.

Example 2: Enlisting Corporate Micro Influencers 

A cost effective and potentially viral way to get your B2B brand awareness up is via the social media influencer marketplace. Making effective social media content by scratch is hard, so why not outsource it to the experts? 

That’s exactly what many B2B companies are doing. Corporations are quickly turning to influencers to promote their brand and products on social media. 

Here’s a B2B Influencer Marketing example by A/B Testing Company Kameleoon:

A picture of a B2B influencer on TikTok.

B2B influencers have risen in popularity quickly and you can tap into their clout via influencer marketplaces like Upfluence. Also, you can feel free to search for social media influencers yourself and you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find. Just make sure to audit their following and statistics with a social influencer vetting tool like HypeAuditor.  

In 2024, to get your B2B brand in front of the right audience enlisting influencers is a great strategy. No matter what your niche is, there’s an influencer out there and in and yes you can enlist them. Next time you’re starting a brand awareness campaign, consider handing them the reins to create reels on your behalf.

Example 3: Helpful Web Apps

What’s better at getting people to recognize your brand than providing a free industry tool for them to use? Not much.

Free web-based tools and apps are B2B content marketing examples that have huge potential to bring massive traffic to your website. A company that does this well is HubSpot. Hubspot offers potential customers a lot of free tools to entice them into their ecosystem. For example, HubSpot allows new users to use their Email Marketing for free! Well, up to a certain amount of email sends per day.

However, it’s still quite generous and useful. It’s kind of like the 99 cent frosty or a dollar drink at McDonalds. A little something-something to get you in the door. And if two of the most successful quick serve food brands are doing it, your B2B brand should too. If you have the resources, consider offering a section of your product prospects can use for free. On the other hand, you can also catch some relevant traffic by providing a useful tool parallel to your industry.

A screenshot of the XE currency converter web app.

For example,, an electronic payment platform for B2B and B2C, offers an API and a handy currency conversion checker for anyone wondering how far their currency goes in other countries’ currencies. Creating a tool like this but in a way that helps your key customer could pay off dividends for you. Also, it doesn’t have to be anything crazy complex either. For example, if you are a server selling company, you could add an energy cost savings calculator in your website to help prospects identify yearly cost savings for switching to your energy efficient servers.

Example 4: Building out a Learning Center

Another savvy B2B content marketing example can be found in Cloudflare’s Resource Center. Here, customers or prospects can access a wide variety of resources to learn about cyber-threats, cyber security, white papers, and documentation on how to implement Cloudflare’s cyber security tech into their IT stack. 

A screenshot of Cloudflare's learning center shows their commitment to B2B Content Marketing examples

Having a fruitful resource repository is key for any B2B business as it pays off in 3 main ways. First it builds topical authority in your brand’s realm of expertise. Second, from an SEO perspective it can increase domain authority and potentially boost your rankings over the long term. As your resources center is populated, with high quality and helpful content, many will start to link back to it and bolster your domain. Finally, as a byproduct of these two benefits, you’ll also see traffic boosted as customers and curious visitors come to see the valuable information you’re putting out. 

To do this yourself you’d want to be smart, start small, then expand from there. Consider making a goal of creating a How-To blog series on your product, or a video course explaining a major pain point in your industry. 
The key here is to make high-quality, relevant learning content which we can help you with. When you’ve got the ball rolling, be sure to keep updating your repository and sharing your new quality content on social media.

Example 5: The B2B Podcast

Okay hear me out. While podcasting gets flak for being something your bros pitch to you in your garage, it can be a big benefit for your B2B SEO.

Your B2B brand likely is part of a broader industry rife with hyper-niche topics your prospects need information on. What better way to address it with a free podcast!

Whether recorded or visual, you can paste these rich content snippets in your existing content to enhance it. And It can greatly boost a blog post if your team or guests have some profound takes on your industry. 

Now the benefits don’t just end there. Adding snippets or your whole podcasts into your and blogs and web pages brings huge ranking boosts as well.

This is because websites and pages with videos have a boosted ranking on Google. Long-form audio visual content that your marketing team can repurposed and add to your written content will do wonders for your SERP rankings and page experience for your visitors.

The 3 Benefits of Investing in B2B Content Marketing in 2024:

1. Bullet-proof your Google Rankings

Investing in B2B content marketing in 2024 is more crucial than ever for securing your rankings on Google. A well-crafted content strategy not only boosts your rankings but makes them more resilient against algorithm changes and competitors.

Although it can be hard to start, consistently creating quality, relevant content, will give you a stronger presence that aligns with Google’s emphasis on expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). This approach ensures that your site remains at the forefront of search results, driving continuous organic traffic.

Moreover, diversified content forms—such as blogs, whitepapers, case studies, and videos—help capture a variety of search intents, further solidifying your search engine rankings against competitors.

2. Solidify Your Topical Authority in High Paying Niches

Investing in content marketing allows B2B companies to carve out there claim in authoritative niches within industries with high contract values.

By focusing on specific topics and consistently delivering insightful, in-depth content, businesses can position themselves as thought leaders. This strategy not only attracts high-value clients but also fosters long-term partnerships based on trust and demonstrated expertise.

For example, a company specializing in cyber-security solutions can produce a series of detailed guides addressing current threats and attract larger businesses concerned with advanced security needs.

3. Humanize Your B2B Brand for Prospects

And finally, in the AI age, human connection and trust is essential.

Content marketing offers a unique opportunity to humanize your brand by sharing stories, insights, and experiences that resonate on a personal level with decision-makers and influencers within your industries.

Through blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media, companies can showcase their values, culture, and people behind the brand. This not only differentiates your brand from competitors but also builds a relational bridge with prospects.


If you made it this far, you’re serious about B2B Content Marketing and I commend you. In fact if you’d like to consult with us on how to make sure your content marketing or SEO marketing campaign goes smoothly, message us here! Nevertheless thank you for your time and please share this article with your colleagues if you found it helpful!