About Us – JG Content Marketing

Backstory and Background:

Howdy! I’m Jordan Gerner and here’s a bit about my background. My digital marketing adventure started early when I was just messing around creating videos with my friends. Those days of fun and creativity led me to take a few courses in video production, marketing, and social media at my local community college, and it opened the door to my first serious gig—a commercial video editor right here in Kitchener.

A sales team looking at their leads in a meeting

It was when I was in the thick of the marketing agency life that I fell head over heels for the world of marketing. I enjoyed watching a well-oiled machine, from animators to sound designers—moving in perfect harmony to create marketing content for clients.

I soaked it all up, and before I knew it, I’d climbed the ranks to become a Marketing Coordinator in the SaaS industry. There, I got a real taste of what it takes to sell high-ticket items entirely online.

Most recently, I dived into the automation industry, sharpening my skills in social media and SEO. I loved digging into the data, figuring out exactly which pieces of content would skyrocket our growth. It’s been a wild ride, and I’ve learned a ton along the way. But recently, I’ve decided to go solo!

Why We Use Digital Marketing to Empower Local Businesses

Back at my old job, It all clicked for me during a review of an SEO contract pitched to my bosses. I watched in dismay as my bosses, one after another, were looped into spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on mediocre and (heavily) AI-generated digital marketing and SEO services. From my experience working on the ground floor of content creation and SEO, the bloat in this contract was unmistakable. I could see exactly where the unnecessary costs were buried in the contracts I was asked to oversee.

What troubled me even more was the rise of AI-generated content from fly-by-night SEO practitioners who took advantage of those less savvy in the digital field. Witnessing firsthand the impact of these practices, I was struck by how important a knowledgeable content marketing and SEO expert could be to any business’s success (and marketing budget).

Seeing this motivated me to pivot my career toward helping the underdogs—the small businesses that form the backbone of our economy. Since 2023, I’ve been dedicating my skills to helping clients throughout Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe, specializing in SEO, content creation, website development, and lead generation and it’s my way of levelling the playing field, ensuring small businesses have the tools to compete in the digital world.

What’s next?

As we watch the digital landscape continue to evolve, so does my mission to provide sound marketing solutions that drive results. If you’re looking to amplify your online presence, we’re here to help.

Our team and I can guide you through the ever-changing world of digital marketing, educating and providing you top-quality services along the way. Whether you’re looking to implement an SEO package or looking to launch a comprehensive social media marketing campaign, we have the tools and expertise to propel your business forward.

Reach out to us today to see what we can do for you here: